Health News

Watching TV and Diabetes
Even if the TV is your source for news, or just a simple way to relax at the end of a long workday, you may do better to avoid the tube altogether. Watching too much TV could end up hurting your health.
Stopping a Second Stroke
Diabetes patients are at risk for all sorts of heart problems, including stroke. If a diabetic has had a stroke in the past, the chance of another stroke is even higher.
Blood Pressure at Bedtime
Doctors often tell patients to take their medications at the same time each day. But what time of day is best? When it comes to blood pressure drugs, that time may be right before bed.
The Highest of the High Risk
Diabetes can be scary. It can cause all sorts of health problems, as many patients face a high risk of early death from heart attack or stroke. Now, research shows that a common test could spot those patients with the highest risk of early death.
Diabetes and Your Heart: You Have Control
Diabetes can cause many other health problems. Many of these problems cannot be avoided. In some cases, however, diabetes patients can take steps to protect themselves against certain complications.
Overweight and Under the Knife
Past studies have shown that obese people have a lower risk of complications after surgery. However, new research shows that obese people with related health problems like high blood pressure and diabetes are more likely to have problems after surgery.
Diabetes Collides with Body Mass Index
Current  body mass index ( BMI) recommendations may not be right for avoiding diabetes and obesity related disorders.
Looking for Disease in the BMI Crystal Ball
It is already known that being overweight or obese can increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease. New research shows that it is possible to predict a teenager's risk by looking at their Body Mass Index (BMI) - a measure of body fat based on height and weight.
Disease Fighting Tangerines
Tangerines are not just deliciously sweet fruits, they are also good for you. New research shows that tangerines can help protect against obesity and other health problems.
Bariatric Surgery Risk Calculator
Obesity is a national health problem that causes significant illness and disability. A new method for determining the risk for complications from bariatric surgery may steer more physicians and patients towards considering it as an option.