Health News

Side Effects Common in Older Adults Taking Thiazides
Many older people take medications to lower their blood pressure. A new study has found that one of the first medications often prescribed to patients for this purpose may cause some significant problems.
Rising Blood Pressure, Declining Memory
High blood pressure is tied to greater risks of stroke and heart attack. But high blood pressure also may affect people in areas that may not seem so obvious, including their mental capabilities.
Preventing One Million Heart Attacks and Strokes
What would it take to prevent one million heart attacks and strokes before 2017?
Systolic vs Diastolic: Different Heart Risks for Different Readings
High blood pressure increases the risk of stroke, heart attack and other health problems. A closer look at blood pressure readings may foretell the specific type of health troubles that lie ahead.
Weight Loss Always Counts for Heart Health
Even after losing weight, many people end up gaining it back later. Does that time spent at a lower weight still come with health benefits?
Women with Diabetes Had Greater Heart Disease Risk Than Men
People with diabetes are at risk for heart disease. One gender may face a higher risk than the other.
Brisk Walks May Lower Death Risk in Hypertensive Seniors
There may be a simple way elderly men can prolong their life if they have high blood pressure, and it doesn’t involve medication or surgery.
Meeting UN Health Goals Could Save Millions of Lives
Some of the biggest killers worldwide are diseases that can largely be prevented: heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, cancers and diabetes. But it will require some effort.
Women Over 30 Should Stay Active for Their Hearts
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women in high-income countries. It seems that the biggest risk factor for the condition may be a lifestyle habit that can be changed.
Sugary Drinks Linked to Higher Blood Pressure
Consuming lots of sugary drinks can expand your waistline, but you may not be aware of what it also might do to your blood pressure.