Health News

Generic Drugs for Diabetic Blood Pressure
A pharmaceutical company has the sole rights to produce a brand name drug for only so long. Eventually, the patent expires and other companies can produce a generic version of the drug. Most of the time the generic version is sold for less.
Vitamin D for Diabetic Arteries?
Heart disease is a common complication of diabetes. Vitamin D may play a role in the development of clogged arteries, which can lead to heart disease.
Merck Discontinues Diabetes Combo Drug
A drug that would have been a combination treatment for diabetes and high cholesterol will no longer be developed, according to an article in the Wall Street Journal.
First-Line Diabetes Drug for Your Heart
Diabetes drugs can do wonders for patients' blood sugar. However, those drugs also come with some risks, particularly to the heart. A recent study compared the safety of the two most common diabetes drugs.
Bypass May Be Better for Diabetes
People with diabetes are at risk of a number of cardiovascular problems, including blocked arteries. There's more than one kind of procedure that can restore blood flow, but which one works best?
PAP Helps Blood Pressure Blues
When snoring indicates someone has sleep apnea, it's more than annoying. It can be harmful to your health — especially if you already have high blood pressure.
Pumping Out Diabetes and Heart Disease
When we think of exercise, we often think of activities like running or swimming. But weightlifting counts as exercise too. In fact, lifting weights may cut risks linked to a number of health problems.
Weight Loss Didn't Cut Diabetic Heart Risk
Losing weight has been shown to reduce the risk of heart problems and other complications of diabetes. However, one weight loss program did not seem to protect diabetes patients from heart-related risks.
Kidney Disease Care 2.0
Chronic kidney disease puts patients at risk of many other health problems. With that in mind, it is important for doctors and patients to know how to prevent and treat these risks.
Even With Exercise, Lounging Isn't Always Good
Staying active is a key part of any healthy lifestyle. By the same token, spending too much time sitting may be harmful to your health.