Health News

Healthy Habits After You Hit 40
Most doctors will say that your 40's are an important time for preventing health problems. Here’s some tips that can help you stay healthy.
The Benefits of Drinking Tea
Tea comes in four varieties and can provide a host of health benefits. Here are some of the potential health benefits of drinking tea.
Hard Facts About Soft Drinks
Soft drinks are extremely popular beverages among both children and adults in the US. They are far from healthy, however.
Most Polluted Cities in the US
The American Lung Association released a list of the most polluted cities in the US.
How Obesity Affects Health
Besides tobacco use, obesity is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States.
Celebrities Supporting Nonprofits You Should Know
Celebrities often use the spotlight to promote initiatives that they believe in. Here is a list of some notible celebrity nonprofit contributions.
Stem Cell Transplant Recipients Prone to Problems
Stem cell transplant patients may not only be at risk during treatment. A new study suggests that a decade later they are still more susceptible to psychological conditions and chronic illness.
Double Up on Vitamin D
Adults need around 4,000 to 8,000 IU daily of vitamin D to maintain levels of healthful vitamin D metabolites in the range needed to reduce the risk of several diseases by about half.
A Plan to Help the Pre-existing Condition Crowd
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is increasing awareness about a health plan for uninsured Americans with pre-existing conditions created by the Affordable Care Act.