Health News

Identifying Aggressive Leukemia
There are two main types of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and knowing whether a patient has the aggressive or the slow version is very important to determine treatment early on.
The Origins of Leukemia
Leukemia can be very different from person to person, even within the same type of cancer. Scientists thought they understood how leukemia begins, but it may be more complicated than we thought.
How to Turn Cancer Off
If certain changes can cause a cell to become cancerous, reversing those changes should return the cell to normal. It may be simple, but it's not easy.
The Double Life of MCL-1
Figuring out the molecular puzzles that can change a healthy cell to a cancer cell would be difficult even if you could watch the process happen.
Revlimid and Risk of New Cancers
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is informing the public of an increased risk of second primary malignancies (new types of cancer) in patients with newly-diagnosed multiple myeloma who received Revlimid ( lenalidomide ).
CT Scan For Bone Cancer Triples Accuracy
Traditionally a series of x-rays of all of the major bones in the body are used to detect myeloid myeloma , a process known as a radiographic skeletal survey. Yet in some areas, especially Europe, whole body CT is beginning to gain favor as testing indicates it is a more effective and thorough exam for measuring bone involvement in multiple myelomas , a bone-based form of leukemia. Ask your oncologist about whole body CT scanning for multiple myeloma . A formal comparison between the two imaging technologies was presented at the American Roentgen Ray Society's annual meeting by ...
Second Chance for Mylotarg
Drug development is a tricky process, and it's common for pharmaceuticals to flounder initially before their best use is discovered.
Cancer Rx Linked to Second Cancers
Health Canada, the Canadian version of the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), has issued an alert regarding the medication  REVLIMID ( lenalidomide ) that's used to treat multiple myeloma .
A Better Leukemia Drug
A new drug under development for the treatment of the childhood leukemia T-ALL has had success in the first round of pharmaceutical testing. An experimental new drug known as CAL-130 is a dual enzyme inhibitor, blocking two forms of an enzyme used in the out of control growth involved in leukemia. The drug successfully stopped the enzymes phosphoinositide-3 kinase gamma and delta in testing, effectively stopping cancer growth. Ask your oncologist about clinical trials available to you. Testing of the dual inhibitor took place first in mice, and then again in samples of leuk...
Higher Dosing Doesn't Mean Better Health
It's a common concept. If one dose works well, then two doses may work even better. This theory was tested recently in patients being treated for chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ), and it didn't work.