Health News
Brain Injury Begets a Beethoven
Imagine never having the ability to play music before, then getting a severe concussion and suddenly playing like Beethoven. This is just what happened to Derek Amato following a game of water football gone bad.
Brain Differences Hold New Clues
While the cause of autism remains a mystery, scientists are zeroing in on the structure of the disease. It's a molecular puzzle. Scientists have discovered that two major brain regions - the cerebral cortex and the temporal lobe - are not distinguishable in people with autism.
Prenatal Vitamins May Prevent Autism
It's common knowledge that prenatal vitamins are beneficial for healthy child development. A new study suggests that taking vitamins before pregnancy may actually help prevent autism.
Do Adults Know They have Autism?
Autism is usually thought to be a disorder that affects children. And it does - possibly more than previously thought. But what about adults with autism spectrum disorder?
Do Even More Children Have Autism?
According to the CDC, autism affects 1 in 110 children. But that number may grossly underestimate how many children and families actually suffer.
Quicker Way to Know Sooner
A mom sits in her pediatrician's office and fills out a checklist about her baby. Someday, just such a simple screening may be available to diagnose autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in infants.
Schizophrenia Treatment Being Revolutionized
Researchers are opening the door to being able to offer personalized treatment to people suffering from serious mental health disorders.
Look both ways before you cross the street!
Parents and teachers encourage most children to memorize their name, phone number and address in case of an emergency. Autistic children should also learn the safety measures of crossing the streets and playing near a swimming pool.
Gene Mutation Found In Both Autism and Epilepsy
For the first time, science has been able to show the role that the synapsin (SYN1) mutation plays in both autism and epilepsy.
Is Autism A National Health Emergency?
Currently there is no definite cause nor cure for Autism. The National Autism Association (NAA) is asking legislators and government health agencies to call Autism a national emergency.