Health News
Allergies play a Significant Role in Asthma Attacks
Is your home, office or school environment aggravating your asthma? Does adding an allergy drug enable better breathing?
Old MacDonald Has A Farm, Not Asthma
MOO-ve on over asthma! Children raised on farms are exposed to far more bacteria and fungi than those raised in urban settings. New research suggests this very exposure toughens up farm children's immune systems and leads to less occurrences of asthma.
Inhaler Discontinued to Save the Planet
As part of an international agreement to discontinue the use of chlorofluorocarbons that damage the environment, a leading over-the-counter asthma inhaler will not be available next year.
Asthma: State of the Disease
If you are one of the 17.5 million adults or 7.1 million children in the U.S. who suffer from asthma, keeping up with all the most recent research and news can be dizzying.
Stay-at-Homes Stay Safe
Asthma, accidents and other health problems are more likely to plague children of working mothers, according to new research from North Carolina State University.
That Long and Dusty Road
Past research has shown that living close to busy roadways increases the risk of asthma in developed countries. Now, a new study shows that the same holds true Peru, a developing country.
You're Doing It Wrong
Once asthma and lung disease patients leave the hospital and are no longer under the supervision of physicians, they are likely to misuse their respiratory inhalers, according to new research.
Mealtime Matters
Researchers have identified a link between the health of children with asthma and the quality of family interactions at mealtime.
Now in 3-D
Scientists have created a model of the molecule that causes the chronic lung inflammation responsible for asthma. This model may help in the design of new and improved asthma drugs.
Diesel in the Air
Researchers from Duke University have discovered how nanoparticles in diesel fumes can harm cells in the lungs.