Health News

Watch Out Dust Bunnies
Since spring-cleaning is not around for a while, new research may have found a way to help keep the dust from bothering your child's lungs.
Sneeze-No-More House Plants
Allergy sufferers who normally don't get along with indoor plants may find some relief from sneezing. Scientists have targeted bacterial genes that can produce pollen-free and long-lived plants, according to a recently published study.
Hard to Swallow: Disorder Eats Esophagus
If you have a food allergy, you may suffer from rashes, trouble breathing and other reactions. But allergies can also lead to a disease that destroys the esophagus lining.
A Bitter Pill to Swallow
Medications are created to help us - help us heal, help us feel better, help us combat whatever ailment we are facing and go on with our lives.
Fish Oil Nets No Cure for Baby Allergies
Omega-fatty acids have been shown to strengthen adult defenses against allergies. But for babies, no such luck. Fish oil supplements, which are rich in omega-3, seem to have no effect.
Taking the Itch Off
Itching, bumpy, burning skin? Looking at your arm wondering, "Well where did this come from?" Irritation of the skin, or contact dermatitis, can be caused by either irritants or allergens. Knowing what type of irritation is occurring, how to treat it and what the leading causes are can help you cope with these skin issues.
Sneezy, Coughy and Itchy
Most people are familiar with that bothersome sensation of always needing to sneeze - hay fever. This allergic rhinitis effects millions of people all across the world and can cause interruption to their daily lives, especially when the amount of pollen in the air rises.
Here, Honey, Take Honey for Your Cough
Every once in a while, an old wives' tale is actually based in medicine. Such is the case with giving children honey to control a nighttime cough.
Allergic to Asthma
For some, coping with asthma is a daily part of life. This condition can be aggravated by seasonal allergies, increasing possible triggers. What are the connections between allergens and asthma development?
Defining Wheat Sensitivity
Wheat sensitivity may show up as nausea or in bowel problems. A recent study found that some people with wheat sensitivity had symptoms more like celiac disease, while others had symptoms more like a food allergy.