Barrett's Esophagus Health Center

Getting help for Barrett's — and for advanced acid reflux (GERD), which can lead to Barrett's — is essential, as it can prevent further complications and conditions from arising.

An individual can have Barrett's for several years before it develops into esophageal adenocarcinoma or esophageal cancer. Before this cancer develops, precancerous cells typically appear in the Barrett's tissue, which builds up in the damaged esophagus. This is known as dysplasia and can be seen only through biopsies. If you have lived with severe acid reflux (GERD) symptoms for many years, see your doctor and ask about the possibility of undergoing a biopsy of the esophagus to determine your risk for Barrett's and cancer.

If you have Barrett's, you may wish to take proactive steps against the condition and fight acid reflux symptoms while discussing endoscopic and surgical treatment plans with your doctor. Stay away from spicy, acidic or fatty foods, as these are most likely to cause acid reflux reactions.

Acid reflux and its symptoms, especially when severe, can be a burden and painful during times of ingestion. Talk to your doctor to find the best over-the-counter medication for you and to work out a treatment plan that utilizes all of your options.

Review Date: 
August 6, 2012
Last Updated:
December 3, 2013