Worst Things To Do While Pregnant
Although there is conflicting evidence about the risks of getting an x-ray while pregnant, it’s best to play it safe. Because your unborn child is extremely sensitive to things you are exposed to, such as x-ray radiation, there is a slight risk that an x-ray could cause pregnancy complications.
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Review Date:
January 10, 2014Citation:
Women’s Health, “Healthy Pregnancy: Do’s and Don’ts” U.S. Food and Drug Administration, “Xrays, Pregnancy and You” U.S. Food and Drug Administration, “What You Need to Know About Mercury in Fish and Shellfish” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Toxoplasmosis” MedlinePlus, “Alcohol and pregnancy” Women’s Health, “Douching fact sheet” Courtesy of Wong Yu Liang | Dreamstime Courtesy of Hartphotography | Dreamstime Courtesy of Dmitrijs Dmitrijevs | Dreamstime Courtesy of Ximagination | Dreamstime Courtesy of Raliada | Dreamstime Courtesy of Photoinjection | Dreamstime Courtesy of Daniel Rajszczak | Dreamstime Courtesy of Evgeniya Tiplyashina | Dreamstime Courtesy of Axel Bueckert | Dreamstime Courtesy of Otnaydur | Dreamstime Courtesy of Haywiremedia | Dreamstime Courtesy of Scott Griessel | Dreamstime Courtesy of Valua Vitaly | Dreamstime Courtesy of Greenland | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
July 1, 2014