StrokeInfo Center

Mixed Results for Plavix-Aspirin Combo
The blood thinners clopidogrel (Plavix) and aspirin both help save lives of heart patients by preventing clots. When used together, however, results have been mixed.
Aspirin for the Heart: Go Uncoated
Taking low-dose aspirin daily has been touted for years to lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. Some people show resistance to this therapy in blood tests, but why?
Generic Plavix on the Way
U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials today approved generic versions of blockbuster blood thinner Plavix ( clopidogrel bisulfate).
Your Heart Loves Aspirin
Following a heart attack, most patients can expect to take a blood thinner and aspirin to reduce their future cardiovascular risk. Recent findings suggest varying doses of aspirin successfully lower this risk.
Drugs Prevent Stroke and Expensive Surgery
Price tag doesn't always signify the success of a treatment. An expensive surgical procedure designed to prevent recurrent strokes does not appear to be any more effective than simply taking medication.
Aspirin and Plavix Don't Mix
Taking both clopidogrel ( Plavix ) and aspirin together does not appear to cut the risk of recurrent deep brain strokes. Research suggests it also increases the risk of bleeding events or dying.