DiabetesInfo Center

What's Good for Diabetes May Be Good for the Heart
For those with type 2 diabetes, keeping blood sugar levels under control can seem like walking a tightrope. But that delicate balancing act may benefit more than just blood sugar.
Exercise Still Key in Diabetes Care
The American Diabetes Associations' new guidelines send a message to patients to get moving and lower cholesterol for better heart health.
Debate Over Cholesterol Guidelines for Diabetes Patients
Last year, new guidelines on treating high cholesterol placed a focus on overall risk instead of specific cholesterol levels. Those recommendations set off a debate in the medical community. The controversy rages on.
Benefits of Cholesterol Rx Outweighed Diabetes Risk
Deciding how to treat a condition like high cholesterol can be tough, especially when some treatment options have been tied to an increased risk of other health problems.
Diabetes-Lipitor Link Isn't Found in Everyone
Drug treatment can prevent heart problems for those at risk. However, certain drugs may lead to other serious health issues, including diabetes.
New Drug Treats Diabetes and High Cholesterol
The FDA has approved Juvisync, a prescription medication that contains two previously approved medicines in one tablet: Januvia (sitagliptin) for diabetes and Zocor (simvastatin) for high cholesterol.