Health News

Help for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Many women have cramps or irritability in the days leading up to their periods. For some women, however, things can get a whole lot worse. But one treatment may help.
Perfect Parenting Pressures Could Affect Mental Health
Becoming a parent for the first time can be hard for some people. But some new parents may risk developing a mental disorder when they also face social pressures to be perfect parents.
Childbirth Fears and Long Labors
The discovery that you're carrying a child inside you brings along a range of emotions. For about 5 to 20 percent of women, those emotions include a fear of childbirth.
New Mom? Tell Us All About It!
Becoming a mom brings along all kinds of new responsibilities, emotions and stresses. Sharing these experiences with others can be one way to cope with the changes.
Do Downward Dog for Better Downtime
If menopause is keeping you up at night, consider using part of your days for yoga sequences that a study has shown will help reduce that insomnia.
To Work or Not to Work, Mom?
New mothers trying to decide whether to work or stay home with their children may find they actually can get the best of both worlds when they work part-time, according to a ten-year study.