Health News

Menopause Rx: The Heart of the Matter
The use of hormones during menopause was once thought to protect against heart disease, but that may not be the case.
This Menopause Therapy Didn't Affect Death Risk
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been a subject of controversy since past research linked it to health problems like cancer. New evidence, however, might clear up some concerns about this treatment.
Beer: The Health Benefits and Consequences
Many Americans enjoy their alcohol, spending close to $99 billion every year on beer alone. Here’s a list of potential health benefits and consequences of beer consumption.
Preventing Disease with Exercise
Your health care provider may emphasize the importance of exercise, but exactly how important is physical activity for staying healthy?
New Findings on Hormone Replacement Therapy
You may remember some years ago when a large women's study was stopped because one of the therapies being tested was shown to actually increase the risk of breast cancer, heart attacks and strokes.
Weighing In on Body Image
Too fat. Too skinny. Apple-shaped. Pear-shaped. Women come in all shapes and sizes, and it's a subjective guessing game as to which standard of beauty will appeal to whom.