Health News

The Expiration Date for Antipsychotic Benefits
After an acute manic episode, bipolar patients are often kept on antipsychotic medications to prevent future episodes. But the potential risks of this practice may outweigh the benefits.
Asenapine for Bipolar Disorder?
Mixed episodes in bipolar disorder occur when a person has symptoms of both mania and depression at the same time. Few treatments have been designed to treat mixed episodes.
Symbyax for Bipolar – Does it Work?
Symbyax for bipolar disorder combines an antipsychotic med with an antidepressant into one pill. Having fewer pills to take may be easier, but it may not always be better.
Antipsychotics and Suicidal Behavior
Bipolar disorder is sometimes treated with antipsychotic medications. First and second generation antipsychotics have different side effects, but do they have the same suicide risk?
Mental Health Meds During Pregnancy
Taking medications during pregnancy is an important decision for a woman. It requires a risk-benefit analysis regarding the value of the drug for the mother versus the possible effects on the fetus.
Do Antipsychotics Meds Cause Diabetes?
With stability being the top priority for people taking antipsychotics, a number of health and quality of life concerns remain. One is the risk of diabetes.
Bipolar Treatment can get Heavy
Mental health concerns are so deeply personal and so immediately urgent that it can be difficult to give consideration to long-term risks of particular medications when the meds are working well.
FDA Approves First Generic Olanzapine
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved the first generic versions of Zyprexa ( olanzapine tablets) and Zyprexa Zydus ( olanzapine orally disintegrating tablets) to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Motherhood is About to Make You a Little Crazier
FDA notified healthcare professionals that the Pregnancy section of drug labels for the entire class of antipsychotic drugs has been updated.