Women's Health Health Center

Sexual Health: A sexually active lifestyle takes caution and responsibility. Besides consistently practicing "safe sex" (even if that includes your spouse), a change of diet and routine habits may allow for a healthier and more satisfying lifestyle.

Reproductive Health: Prenatal care is the health care you get when you're pregnant. It's made to maintain the health of you and your baby. During pregnancy, it is important to make your baby's health a top priority. You may need to change your lifestyle, eating habits, and exercise regimen. Making healthier choices can boost your chances of having a healthy baby and easy delivery.

If you are pregnant, get proper prenatal care. Try to get at least 400 micrograms of folic acid every day to avoid birth defects, talk about vaccinations with your doctor, maintain a healthy weight and diet and stop smoking, drinking and all drug use. See your doctor or gynecologist for regular and frequent check ups.

Menopause: The symptoms of menopause may be bothersome, but they can be reduced. Ask your doctor about your options for treatment and regulation of symptoms. Quit smoking and begin learning how to incorporate high amounts of fiber and low fat foods into your regular diet. Knowing your options and taking advantage of how to bring them into your own personal lifestyle is key to managing menopause. Do not force another’s preferences for management onto yourself, as you may find it difficult to adapt in the long haul. Since menopause affects each woman differently, do what best fits your lifestyle.

Review Date: 
October 1, 2012
Last Updated:
February 26, 2014