Women's Health Health Center

Sexual Health: It is very important to be safe and cautious if you are sexually active. While there are benefits to being intimate with a partner, there are also risks, including STDs.

Avoiding sexual activity is the only way to ensure you or your partner will not be infected with an STD. If you wish to remain sexually active, take preventive measures and practice "safe sex." Safe sex means always using contraception, especially condoms. Condoms block the transmission of bacteria and viruses that are carried by semen and other bodily fluids. Use a condom for vaginal, oral and anal intercourse. Know your partner and his/her STD status. Have regular medical check-ups and receive the necessary testing available for all STDs, especially if you have more than one sexual partner.

If you notice something abnormal about your sexual health, talk openly about the issue with your doctor. Discussing your problem with a medical professional is the only way to get proper treatment.

Reproductive Health: Having a support network is an important part of pregnancy. You may feel overwhelmed, underprepared or maybe like you have all the answers. You must remember that every pregnancy is different and no matter how much you prepare, you cannot anticipate every bump and turn you'll experience during the ride.

Talk to your doctor, your mother, family and close friends who have been through a pregnancy and may be able to offer guidance and tips about different aspects of pregnancy. This support may ease your experience.

Menopause: Because menopause is something every woman goes through, having a support system may help in pitching ideas for symptom treatment, trading advice and discussing the experience overall. Older female friends, relatives or family members may be able to provide guidance and remedies that have worked for them.

Consulting a doctor or health care professional is also important in receiving help. While menopause cannot be avoided, symptom management can alleviate bothersome aspects of this transitional period. Seeing specialty care-providers such as a gynecologist, geriatrician or internist may help in providing specific answers and remedies to suit your needs.

Review Date: 
October 1, 2012
Last Updated:
February 26, 2014