Sex Addiction Health Center

Facilities that do not provide sex addiction help directly may refer patients to a sexual addiction treatment center if sexual issues are detected during treatment for chemical dependency for example.

In cases where sexual addiction has led to exceptionally serious problems, such as when an unfaithful person has exposed the partner to HIV infection, or when sexual misconduct has occurred that could result in legal charges, loss of professional license, and financial adversity for the family, sex and love addiction rehab centers like The Sexual Recovery Institute can provide a certified sex addiction therapist who has the training necessary to assist clients in navigating these uniquely difficult situations. Certified Sex Addiction Therapists or CSAT’s have extensive long-term training and supervision in the management of sex addiction cases.

Sex addiction counselors face challenges different from those of other addiction specialists. Unlike the goal in treatment of chemical dependency, which is abstinence from use of all psychoactive substances, the therapeutic goal in sexual addiction is abstinence only from compulsive sexual behavior with a coexisting goal, that of adapting and integrating healthy sexuality.

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Review Date: 
March 13, 2012
Last Updated:
June 28, 2013