Eye DiseaseInfo Center

Whoa Nelly!
Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of vision loss in Americans under the age of 65. A new study shows there are now two therapies that may slow down the progression of this sight robbing disease.
The Eyes Have It
Cataract surgery awaits 33 percent of the America’s population. A new surgical tool from Catalys looks to make the process a lot more streamlined.  
Eye Disease Linked to Stroke
A disease that can cause vision loss in people of all ages also increases some patients' risk of stroke.
Seeing the World with New Eyes
An inexpensive drug has been shown to benefit premature infants born with retinopathy (the uncontrolled growth of blood vessels in the retinas, which can lead to scarring and retinal detachment).
Researchers Clearly C Vitamins' Role in Cataracts
A recent study from Harvard Medical School finds that vitamins C and E appear to do little to influence the development or outcome of age-related cataracts.
Lifting the Fog on Cataract Meds
Pirenoxine (PRX), a non-prescription medication found in eye drops used in China and other countries to prevent cataracts, may actually work, according to a new study.
Retinopathy: Not Just for Diabetics
Once thought of as a diabetics-only eye disease, retinopathy can affect those whose blood glucose levels are higher than normal on a consistent basis.
Glaucoma Research for Women Only
Obesity may be linked to increased eye pressure and a decreased risk of open-angle (chronic) glaucoma in women, according to a new study. The results do not apply to men, however.
See It All with Fish Oil
Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to prevent various forms of retinopathy (eye disease caused by the proliferation of leaking blood vessels in the retina).
Splat! You're Blind
Eye injuries from paintball mishaps often result in devastating consequences, according to a study in the American Journal of Opthamology.