Health News

Water Break Early? Hang in There!
You're nine months pregnant and ready to pop - but the due date is still a few weeks away. What do you do if your water breaks early?
Air Pollution Link to Childhood Obesity
It may not just be chicken nuggets and french fries adding too much weight to children's waistlines. The very air pregnant women breathe might play a small role too.
Even a Little Overweight is Bad for Baby
If you think being just a little overweight won't present problems for your pregnancy, think again. Addressing your weight could mean a safer delivery for you and your baby.
Pregnant Diabetics and Taking Levemir
The insulin drug Levemir , whose generic name is detemir , has been moved from a riskier category of medications for pregnant women to a less risky category by the FDA.
Not Your Mother's Delivery Room
At last, a response to elders who complain about walking barefoot in the snow uphill both ways to school: women giving birth today suffer through longer labors than women of yesteryear.
Should Your OB/GYN Care for Your Heart?
The doctor many women know best - and see most often is their OB/ GYN . So, your OB/ GYN may be the best person to screen you for cardiovascular risk factors along with your annual exam.
Antidepressant Safety During Pregnancy
Much is still uncertain about what drugs are safe while pregnant, so deciding what to take or avoid may require a tradeoff. Such may be the case for a common group of antidepressants.
Pregnancy After Breast Cancer
If you're planning to get pregnant, don't let a prior breast cancer diagnosis stop you. Pregnancy following breast cancer remission appears to be safe.
Chlamydia Screenings Need a Boost
Chlamydia is the most common and among the most easily treated sexually transmitted diseases, but barely over a third of sexually active women are screened for it each year.
Nursing Moms Should not Avoid Cow's Milk
Nursing moms who avoid milk in hopes of reducing their babies’ risk for food allergies should think twice: A new study finds that it may increase your baby’s risk for food allergies.