Health News

Get Your Measles Booster With The Milk
Getting your flu shot — and nine other common vaccines — just became a bit more convenient. No need to hassle with a doctor appointment. Just drop by Walmart.
Whooping Cough Vaccination is Important
When California had the highest number of pertussis cases in six decades in 2010, public health officials took notice. Pertussis (whooping cough) is especially dangerous for babies.
H1N1 Vaccine Safe for Pregnant Women
There are several vaccines pregnant women are advised to get and several others they should avoid while pregnant. The flu vaccine is one pregnant women should consider.
Take This Shot While Pregnant
What's worse than morning sickness? How about having the flu while pregnant too? But getting your flu shot while pregnant might do more good than just preventing this miserable outcome.
Jabbing Pregnant Women
When the H1N1 influenza blew through in the flu season of 2009-2010, some worried about an additional flu vaccine to get. Pregnant mothers who got jabbed may have helped their babies.
Preemies Breathe Better With new Rx
Newborns who arrive early often face respiratory problems since their lungs may not yet be fully developed. A new drug approved by the FDA joins four others to treat these problems.
Flu Shots While Pregnant are Safe
If you’re pregnant, getting a flu shot is a good idea. Not only can it help you ward off the seasonal flu, it also will help protect your baby from infection - and it won’t cause miscarriage, say studies that will be released this week.