Health News

A Weak Link of Broken Hearts--EMBARGOED until 11:01pm CST on 3/23/13
The effects of a mother's body on her developing child are still mysterious in many ways. For example, the possible effects of emotional stress on a baby aren't totally understood.
Should New Moms Take Anti-depressants?
Deciding whether to take medication while pregnant can be a tough decision. It becomes tougher when the risks and benefits are not always clear, such as with mental health medications.
Autism Risk May Be Buried in the Past
The causes of autism increasingly appear to come from a variety of different risk factors. One of those risk factors may be related to the childhood experiences of the children's mothers.
Autism May Travel Through Generations
A father's older age has already been linked to a risk for autism in children in past studies. Now researchers have turned their attention to grandfathers.
When Mom or Dad Is in Prison
Having a parent in prison can mean hardships for the entire family. But those challenges may not go away when the parent is released. There may be long-term consequences for the kids.
Give Kids a Brain Boost with Exercise
Ever heard someone tell you that a particularly rambunctious child simply needs more exercise? Well, there may be something to that after all – for people of all ages.
Mentally Managing a Child's Illness
A child with a chronic illness can present a variety of hardships in a family. However, seeking therapy can reduce the mental health challenges these families face.
Watch for Warning Signs of Child Abuse--EMBARGOED until 3/10/13 at 11:01pm CST
If possible victims of child abuse could be identified early on, it could save a lot of heartache and pain for everyone involved. Paying attention to babies' injuries may be an important step. A recent study found that infants who are victims of child abuse are more likely to have had another earlier unlikely injury when they were even younger – before they could even crawl. Among a group of abused and nonabused babies evaluated at a hospital, only the abused children had histories of previous injuries, such as bruising. The researchers found that babies with a suspicious minor inj...
Looking Down the Road for Kids with ADHD
What happens to kids who have ADHD when they grow up? Does the disorder go away? Or do they continue to struggle as adults? Or is it a bit of both?
Being Warm Hearted: Good for Your Heart!
It's said that helping others can make you feel better. Now there is evidence that helping others might actually improve your physical health as well.