Health News

Alzheimer's Disease 101
An estimated 5.8 million people in the United States are living with Alzheimer's, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. To boost your Alzheimer's awareness, take a look at the information below.
Sunscreen and Sun This Summer
Before you hit the beach or the lake this summer, follow these easy tips to keep yourself and your family sun-safe.
How to Have a Healthy Barbecue
Summer is barbecue season, but barbecues aren't always the healthiest events. Here's how to make them healthier.
Why Eat Organic Produce?
Should you be eating organic produce? Here's what you should know.
The Hidden Salt in Your Diet
The salt shaker isn't the only way you're getting a lot of sodium in your diet.
What 'Unprocessed' Really Means
Most people have heard discussions about "processed" vs. "unprocessed" foods. But what does that really mean?
How to Add Fiber to Your Daily Diet
Lower cholesterol, healthy bowels, better blood sugar and healthy weight — that's the potential power of dietary fiber. Here's how to get more of it in your diet.
How to Add Healthy Fats to Your Diet
There's good fat and bad fat when it comes to your diet. Here's how to get more of the good stuff.
We Answered Your Medication Questions
You asked and we answered. Find out the answers to three common questions pharmacists receive.
Medication Safety for Pets
You probably take steps to keep your medications out of the reach of children, but what about your pets?