Health News

Exercise More to Combat Sleep Disorders and Diabetes
Men with obstructive sleep apnea, diabetes or high blood pressure can greatly improve their survival rate by increasing their amount of exercise. Conversely, poor fitness habits increased the death rate by as much as 75 percent.
Eat Away Belly Fat
Fat can be tricky because some fat is good for you, but too much is detrimental. Fat found deep in the belly is one of those kinds of fats that’s not good for you.
Lower Body Fat May Not Cut Disease Risk
Exercise and a healthy diet are usually enough to promote health and prevent disease. However, it might not be enough to protect from heart disease and type 2 diabetes, a new study has revealed.
Good-for-Nothing Diabetes Vaccine
Sometimes, researchers will do a study on animals and think they have found a way to stop a disease. Then that finding simply won't translate to humans. This happened recently with a type 1 diabetes vaccine.
Get Those Kidneys Back Up To Speed
Diabetes can harm many different parts of the body, especially the kidneys. Now, there's a new drug that may help patients with type 2 diabetes get their kidneys back in working order.
Diet Does Away With Diabetes
It's not the end of the world if you find out you have diabetes. You can keep on living your day-to-day life, and there may even be ways to reverse the disease.
Natural Anti-Aging Agent - Strawberries
Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake are at it again - saving the world one person at a time by telling people strawberries are a delicious, healthy fruit that can fight diseases.
The Rise of Diabetes' Dangerous Partner
Diabetes is one of the biggest health problems in the United States. As more and more Americans get diabetes, the number of people suffering from diabetes-related problems is also going up.
Indiana Brings Fruits and Vegetables To You
Fruits and vegetables provide important vitamins and nutrients for healthy development. Still, fresh produce can be very expensive. The state of Indiana may have found a solution.
Arthritis Drugs May Keep Diabetes at Bay
Even if a drug was meant to fight one disease, it often happens that the drug can protect patients against other health problems. This seems to be the case with some arthritis drugs.