Health News

Childhood Cancer Survivors and Sleep
Everyone feels better after a good night's sleep. Everyone also feels listless after a restless night.
Healthy Organic Halo Effect
Health conscious consumers will often assume that anything organic is a healthier and lower calorie food option than a regularly labeled food option. As the adage reminds us: You can't judge a book by its cover. The same may be true for food packaging.
Liver Cancer Linked to Heart Disease and Diabetes Risks
If you have the most common risks for diabetes and heart disease, you may be at greater risk of developing liver cancer.
Unlocking and Blocking Cancer
Scientists at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine have discovered the way cancer spreads from one part of the body to another. This discovery may uncover methods for blocking the spread of cancer and improve the effectiveness of vaccines.
Why Pregnancy Protects Against Breast Cancer
Motherhood may be one of the greatest blessings for many women. First, a woman receives the precious gift of a child. Then, she also is protected from breast cancer throughout her life.
Aspirin May Decrease Pancreatic Cancer
Taking aspirin at least once a month significantly lowers the risk of developing cancer of the pancreas.
Disease-Fighting Fruit Juice
While it is known that eating fruits and vegetables is good for us, it is unclear if drinking their juices has the same health benefits. Researchers have found a link between drinking juice and a lower risk of certain chronic diseases.
Diabetes Increases Risks of Cancer
A new study shows that avoiding or controlling diabetes may reduce risks of developing or dying from cancer.
Strawberry Fields Forever
"Not only is it good for you, it taste good too!" This familiar statement now applies to strawberries and their potential to fight cancer.
Weighting Out Your Option
After a breast cancer diagnosis, survivors should increase their recovery chances by keeping their weight in check. While most women do not gain a great deal of weight after a breast cancer diagnosis, the ones that do are increasing their risk for a reoccurence.