
Shedding Light on Lice
With the start of the new school year and as the fall approaches, children may be more likely to come into contact with head lice.
Are You Cleaning Your Contacts Correctly?
Cleaning your contact lenses incorrectly could cause you harm and negatively affect your vision.
Check Your Beauty Products for Mercury
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning about using beauty products that contain mercury.
How to Stay Healthy in the Heat
As the temperature rises, so does the risk for heat-related health issues.
Staying Mosquito-Free
It's summer — a time to be outside and enjoy nature. But mosquitoes, as always, will make an appearance.
Firework Safety
As you prepare for the Fourth of July, here is everything you need to know about fireworks and how to keep your family safe.
How to Keep Your Kids Active and Engaged This Summer
School is out and summer vacation has started. Instead of letting your children plop in front of the television for the next three months, keep them engaged and active this summer.
Sunscreen and Sun Safety
Before you hit the beach or the lake this summer, follow these easy tips to keep you and your family sun-safe.
Allergic to Penicillin? Here's What You Need to Know
Do you carry an allergy to penicillin? Research has shown that about 90 percent of patients with a history of penicillin allergy are not truly allergic.
Gluten-Free Diet: What You Need to Know
Gluten-free diets, considered a medical treatment to manage celiac disease, have become popular. However, a recent survey found that those without a celiac disease diagnosis purchase the most gluten-free items.