Health News

Extra Vitamins Don't Always Fill the Void
Weaker bones that come with menopause might spur some women to load up on calcium and vitamin D. But supplements might not be enough to protect bones and prevent fractures.
Cancer Surgery Anesthesia and Chronic Pain
Breast cancer patients who undergo a mastectomy (removal of breast) can have pain for years after the surgery. Does the medication given during surgery make a difference?
The Fate of New Hips in Women
Hip joint replacements can help patients regain normal mobility. But just like any surgery, there are risks involved in hip replacement. And women may have a higher risk than men when it comes to failure of the new hip.
Women’s Heart Problems Linked to MCI
Heart disease has been linked to risk for dementia. But it is not clear which types of dementia are related to heart problems.
Migraine With Aura and Your Heart
Having a migraine is headache enough without having to worry about cardiovascular disease. For those who experience migraine with aura, it may be important to consider the health of your heart.
Surgical Menopause Treatment Options
The average age for natural menopause (a woman's last period) is 51. But some women experience menopause earlier, whether naturally or because of surgery.
Unnecessary Rx for Anorexia
There are no medications approved to treat anorexia nervosa, but often patients are given psychotropic meds anyway. These meds have multiple side-effects and no clear benefit.
Osteoporosis Screening - Answer or Problem?
Osteoporosis is a major cause of bone fractures, but not all women are being screened for it. This leaves many women at greater risk for broken bones, especially as they age.
Another Strike Against Teen Smoking
As a teenager, it’s hard to imagine that actions like smoking can have a lifetime effect. However, research is constantly showing that adolescence is an important period in women’s health.
Balancing Medication With Pregnancy
When diseases occur during childbearing years, it’s not always possible to stop treatment for the disease. Doctors and patients must balance the concern for the drug's possible effects on pregnancy with the concern for disease relapse.