Health News

Understanding the New Daddy Blues
Becoming a parent brings a host of changes that not every person is prepared for. Depression after a new child's arrival can occur for both mothers and fathers.
Balancing Antidepressants' Risks during Pregnancy
Taking antidepressants during pregnancy has always involved a balancing of possible benefits and risks. But so does skipping the medication when a mom has depression.
Diabetes During Pregnancy can be Tough on Baby
Diabetes rates are rising, and so are the rates of pregnant women with diabetes. Improper care and poor monitoring of the condition could have health consequences for both mom and baby.
Fertility Meds Didn't Cause Breast Cancer
Not all of the long-term impacts of fertility treatment are clear. But researchers have found reassuring evidence for those hoping to have a baby using such treatments.
The Importance of Healthy Pregnancy Weight
Obesity can contribute to a range of different health problems, but for pregnant women, those problems may affect two people.
The More Babies, the Bigger Risk for Blocked Arteries
Pregnancy and giving birth can put a lot of stress on women's bodies. It's possible that mothers could have an increased risk of heart disease associated with pregnancy.
Diabetes in Pregnancy May Have Long-Term Effects on Kids
Diabetes during pregnancy can mean complications to the infant before and after birth. However, the long-term health issues these babies may face are not very clear.
Preparing for Baby With Prenatal Screenings
Different options for prenatal screenings may be offered to pregnant women, often leaving moms-to-be with questions about what the tests are looking for and when they should be performed.
Certain Bacteria May Target Pregnant Women, Harm Fetus
Pregnant women are prone to morning sickness, fluid retention and even thinning hair. But new research suggests they are also more prone to developing a certain infection that can cause problems for their unborn child.
Tipping the Weight Scales on Cesarean Odds
Being obese before pregnancy increases the odds for high blood pressure, diabetes and premature births, but the effect of weight gained during pregnancy may change a mother's plans for delivery.