Health News

US Outpacing UK in Autism Rates
Autism has received increasing amounts of attention in recent years. The increases in autism rates in the US have spurred other countries to reassess their rates of autism.
Language Challenges for Children of Teens
Having a baby as a teenager can present various challenges to these new, young moms. Those challenges may influence the way their children develop as well.
Of Diabetes and Depression
Living with a chronic disease like diabetes can be challenging. That challenge can take its toll on a person, especially if that person is a child.
Consistent Bedtimes Good for Children
Children's attempts to delay bedtime become the stuff of folklore at times. But staying firm about a consistent bedtime can be important.
Early Bloomers Smoking and Drinking Before Peers
Puberty is an important milestone on the road to growing up. But hitting puberty early may lead some kids to try adult substances earlier than other kids.
Growing a Baby in Dirty Air
The environment around a pregnant woman can influence a growing baby. High levels of pollution may be one thing that affects a developing baby.
Bipolar Youth at Risk for Substance Abuse?
Bipolar disorder has been previously linked with substance abuse in adolescents. It's possible that certain symptoms or behaviors can help target youth before they develop a substance use disorder.
Understanding the Autistic Brain in Sleep
Children with autism can have difficulties with communication skills, social interaction and repetitive patterns of behavior. Might they have difficulties with sleeping patterns as well?
When First Graders Know Marlboro
It was only a few decades ago that kids could recognize Joe Camel as easily as they recognized Mickey Mouse. Young children's ability to recognize cigarette brands appears to be global.
More Kids' ER Visits Doesn't Mean Worse Injuries
The issue of brain injury in children from playing sports has gained attention over the past several years. But that doesn't mean the injuries themselves have gotten worse.