Health News

Blood Pressure Was Lower in Patients Who Visited Doctor More
High blood pressure may be about as common today as it was a decade ago, a new study found. But patients with high blood pressure who visited their doctor more often and who kept their high cholesterol in check were more likely to have lower blood pressure.
Diabetes May Affect Young and Old Differently
Diabetes affects millions in the US. But new research suggests that it may affect patients in different ways.
Heart Health Outcomes Improved
For years, heart disease and stroke have been among the two leading causes of death in the US. But new research suggests a more hopeful trend in cardiovascular health outcomes.
Global Sodium Intake Exceeded Recommendations
Salt is a pantry staple and an ingredient present in many recipes. But too much of the seasoning can lead to high blood pressure and the potential for other serious heart conditions.
Too Much Exercise May Be a Bad Thing
Cardiovascular exercise like running or walking has a number of health benefits. But too much exercise may be unhealthy, especially after a heart attack.
Lower Blood Pressure May Not Mean Lower Risk
The increased risk of heart problems in patients with elevated blood pressure is well-established. But lower blood pressure may not decrease the risk of stroke, heart attack and other complications.
Preventing One Million Heart Attacks and Strokes
What would it take to prevent one million heart attacks and strokes before 2017?
Beer: The Health Benefits and Consequences
Many Americans enjoy their alcohol, spending close to $99 billion every year on beer alone. Here’s a list of potential health benefits and consequences of beer consumption.
Show a Little Love for Your Heart This Month
The heart keeps us going day in, day out, though we don't often stop and consider how to keep it going. Officials are encouraging people to devote time to heart health awareness this month.
Heart Disease and Stroke Remain Leading Health Threats
Heart disease and stroke remain two of the most dangerous health problems in America, according to a recent review of statistics and research.