Health News

Not Enough Talking
Race is a factor when it comes to the amount of weight-related counseling that obese patients receive, according to a recent study from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Tomatoes Just Got Tastier
Tomatoes contain a nutrient that may prevent onset of vascular diseases, according to new research from Kyoto University.
Skip the Sun, Eat Your Veggies
Eating a diet rich in fruit and vegetables can give your skin a healthier glow than the sun, according to a study from The University of Nottingham.
Searching for the Genetic Source
A new study from the Medical College of Georgia has established a link between fat and chemical changes in DNA. This may explain the increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes among obese individuals.
Eight Apples a Day Keep the Cardiologist Away
Individuals who eat more fruit and vegetables have a lower risk of mortality from ischemic heart disease, the most prevalent form of heart disease, according to new research.
Weighing In on Body Image
Too fat. Too skinny. Apple-shaped. Pear-shaped. Women come in all shapes and sizes, and it's a subjective guessing game as to which standard of beauty will appeal to whom.
Hold the Olive Oil
Two structurally unrelated anti-inflammatory compounds found in extra virgin olive oil and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) activate a receptor known as TRPA1, which can produce cough.
Down and Out Without B12
About 1 in 1,000 Americans (and 15 percent of elderly people) are deficient in vitamin B12, an essential nutrient needed to produce red blood cells and DNA, which help keep the nervous system in check.
Heavyweight First Nation Babies
In a recent study, Canadian researchers sought to determine if the prevalence of high birth weights in First Nation babies poses a risk for perinatal and postneonatal death.
Add This to the List of Blueberry Benefits
Bioactive compounds in blueberries known as anthocyanins may offer protection against hypertension, according to a new study.