Health News

Joy in Soy
Is it okay for women who have breast cancer and other hormone sensitive cancers to eat soy and other plant based phytoestrogens? That’s a controversy that’s been raging for several years.
Yoga Improves Breast Cancer Treatment
Breathing and relaxing are important techniques to control stress; less stress means more happiness; and more happiness is good for everyone! Yoga has hit its stride and seems to be in vogue in exercise circles these days.
Watch Out For That Sun
Skin cancer can easily be prevented by applying sunscreen. But the problem is, there are so many kinds of sunscreen out there! How do you decide which is best?
Stretch Away Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia
You probably think exercising is expending energy. After all that's what running and aerobics require. But yoga, which involves the opposite, has been shown to be healthy for people. Breathing, meditating, and stretching don't seem like hard work, much less exercise.
Shake, Shake, Protein Shake!
We've all heard exercising can slow aging down, but maybe it's not slowing it down fast enough for you. Well, try a protein shake after exercising. Exercising is important for people of all ages, but is especially important as you age.
Sweet Wheat - Neat or Not?
Technology touches every aspect of life, including food production. Genetically modified and mutated plants are becoming the norm. The latest innovation is sweet wheat.
Four Loko Craze
Four Loko has been banned by the Food and Drug Administration because it was thought that the mix of caffeine and alcohol was causing a rise in alcohol-related hospitalizations. This may not be the case.
Yet Another Reason to Lose Weight
Being overweight or obese carries a number of health risks. Now there's one more health benefit for losing weight.
Imported Food Comes With a Hefty Price
Are you the type of person who is aware of contamination, or do you believe "whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger"? As a heads up, also beware of imported food quality.
Prenatal Vitamins May Prevent Autism
It's common knowledge that prenatal vitamins are beneficial for healthy child development. A new study suggests that taking vitamins before pregnancy may actually help prevent autism.