Health News

Hyperactive Now, Obese Later?
It is challenging enough to manage a mental or developmental disorder such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But there may be long-term consequences to manage as well.
Get Moving for the Fun of It
A bit of pick up basketball, a jog through the park, an half hour on the elliptical at the gym...physical activity throughout the week can add up. And it may be linked to mental health.
Is Olive Oil The Next Brain Food?
Some people may opt for olive oil over Ranch dressing on their salad as a weight loss method. There is a chance that decision may be doing more than just keeping your body slimmer; it could actually be keeping your brain sharper.
Heavyweight Drinkers
Heavy drinking can burden anyone’s liver. But in people who are also overweight, heavy drinking may really push the liver past its limits.
A Hot Cup of Joe Sharpens the Mind
There’s nothing quite like a nice cup of coffee in the morning to get the mind going. But it may be that males and females experience the benefits of a caffeine boost differently.
Unhealthy Cocktail After Stomach Surgery
When the weight won't come off, patients can consider surgery on their stomachs to shed the pounds. Though surgery can be helpful in losing weight, one procedure might have more risks than others when it comes to drinking alcohol.
Anorexia Loses When Period Returns
Dangerous weight loss as a result of an eating disorder can get in the way of a normal menstrual cycle. But when treatment works, girls gain weight and get their cycle back.
Eating Away at Depression
Some people with depression aren’t interested in food, but there are others who eat too much. Emotional eating from depression can trigger serious weight gain resulting in obesity.
Teens Shed Extra Pounds with Extra Sleep
Most groggy teens drag themselves to school by 7:30 most morning. This is a familiar sight to both parents and teachers. Everyone knows that insufficient sleep is common for teens, but few understand that it can also be the source of weight issues.
Mind and Body Power For Older Adults
The power of the mind can do a number on the body. When elderly adults keep the body sharp as well, the brain can stay at its best.