Health News

Ancient Moves for Prostate Cancer Patients
Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice that combines slow movement, controlled breathing and concentration. People of any age can practice Qigong. A small study recently looked to see if the practice could help with fatigue.
Lifestyle and Longevity
It is generally known that lifestyle choices impact human life expectancy. However, only a few studies have examined how lifestyle choices can help predict human longevity. In light of this, a recent study was conducted to examine longevity in relation to lifestyle choices during during middle age.
Working Out Now to Help the Brain Later
The benefits to exercising can be immediate. More energy and better sleep are two. While fitness has immediate effects on the body now, fitness as a young adult can also impact the body down the line, particularly where the brain is concerned.
Prostate Cancer Isn't a Coffee Drinker
Coffee is among the most popular drinks on the planet. Besides the pep that the caffeine provides, a cup of joe just tastes good. Recent research suggests that this beloved beverage may also offer some health benefits for prostate cancer survivors.
Never Too Late to Start Exercising
Being physically active is good for you and lowers your risk of disease. It’s also been said that even your risk of death is lowered when you exercise.
Breakfast-Skippers Beware
There may be more good reasons to call breakfast the most important meal of the day. The morning meal may make a big difference when it comes to heart health.
A Coffee Cancer Connection?
Coffee is rich in antioxidants, which can help fight cancer and protect against aging. A new study showed this may not be the case with prostate cancer.
Eating Away Prostate Cancer
Once a person is diagnosed with cancer, can diet and exercise make a difference? You bet! Lifestyle is hugely important to keep cancer from progressing or returning.
Cancer Food Fight!
Scientists have found that certain foods are really good for us. These so-called “super foods” are high in antioxidants which protect the body from stress that can lead to disease.
Olives, Nuts and Avocados, Oh My!
You are what you eat, right? That may be especially true with regards to diet and cancer. More and more research shows that healthier dietary choices lead to reduced cancer risks.