Health News

'Blood-Letting' Delivers Health Benefits
The practice of blood-letting or bleeding patients was abandoned in the 19th  century when it became clear there was little benefit. New research suggests the barbaric-sounding practice could offer a very real heart benefit.
Half of Overweight Teens at Early Heart Risk
A soaring increase in the number of teenagers suffering from diabetes means that more than a third of presumably healthy normal-weight adolescents are at risk of heart disease.
One in Three Adults Have Hypertension
One in three adults around the world has elevated blood pressure, a World Health Organization (WHO) report has indicated. The report also emphasized increasing rates of diabetes and obesity.
Complications of Diabetes
It's hard enough to keep track of your daily responsibilities. It's even harder to plan for events years down the road. But if you have diabetes, you must start taking steps now to possibly avoid complications in the future.
Diagnosing Diabetes
Are you overweight? Do you have a parent or sibling with diabetes? Do you have high blood pressure? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is time to get tested for diabetes. About 25 million Americans, or eight percent of the U.S. population, are affected by diabetes. Unfortunately, a good portion of these people do not know they have the condition. This may be because they often have no symptoms. Luckily, there are simple tests that let you know if you have diabetes or prediabetes . Getting tested is the first step in preventing and controlling your condition. Who s...
Doctors are singing "Let's Get Physical"
Among the most common pieces of advice offered by doctors to their patients: start running, biking, walking, swimming, playing tennis or whatever it takes to get in regular exercise.
Kids Need to Seize the Day
Kids shouldn’t have to worry about pre-diabetes or an increased risk for heart disease. They should be focused on enjoying life. But obesity is serious and affecting many children.
Body Fat in Obese May Be Toxic
Some obese patients develop conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, while others manage to avoid such chronic diseases. That may be because all obesity is not the same.
The Low Down on Down Low Testosterone
By the age of 35, men's testosterone levels begin to drop by one or two percent each year. By the age of 50, 30% of men are already below the normal testosterone range and that number increases as years advance.
Gout Gets the Royal Treatment
Gout, formerly linked with Europe's royal families, has made its way to middle America. Since 1990, U.S. cases have increased by 50 percent, making it a modern-day royal pain in the joints.