Health News

Is Fast Food Flaring Kids' Allergies?
It’s no surprise to find out that healthy kids eat healthy food. But what about kids who eat fast food several times per week? Can the body be allergic to junk food?
Going Gluten-Free
In recent years, the idea of a gluten-free diet has grown in popularity. As more people discuss avoiding gluten, celiac disease (which is somewhat like a severe gluten allergy) is becoming the subject of more and more research. What are the effects of this disease and just how common is it? Celiac Simply Put Celiac disease is an immune disorder triggered by gluten, a protein present in foods like wheat, rye and barley. According to an article written by Jocelyn Silvester , MD and Donald Duerksen , MD, and published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal ( CMAJ ), celia...
Obesity During Pregnancy Inflames Risks
If you’re obese and pregnant, a nutritious diet may not ensure you have an easy pregnancy and a healthy baby. A new study shows that inflammation in your body, caused by obesity, can have harmful health effects for both the mother and child.
Hidden in the Tea Leaves
Research has confirmed that tea has lots of beneficial and healthy compounds. However, not all ingredients in tea are always listed, which could be worrisome for some health-conscious people.  What’s a tea lover to do?
New Breakfast Staple for Babies: Eggs
Parents often wake their children by asking, "What do you want for breakfast?" It's time to start serving up those eggs for babies.
Does Food Make you Suffer?
Imagine feeling uncertain about every food you eat because you don't know how your body will react. Living with this kind of uncertainty is a pain, but now there's help.
Baby Allergies
Food allergies can appear at any age - and starts at infancy. Researchers have discovered how and when a baby is introduced to food impacts their risk of developing allergies later in life.
Food Allergies Can Lead to Asthma
The beginning of the allergy march in babies and young children may originate from food allergies. Food allergies often begin in babies as early as three months old. 
Gluten-Free Diet and Tennis
An up-and-coming tennis athlete became a star in 2011 with the help of a gluten-free diet! Novak Djokovic has a record of 37-0 and seven titles. Who knew allergies could be so detrimental?
Sick and Abused
According to a study by Swedish researchers, children who are chronically ill are much more likely than healthy children to be victims of physical abuse.