Stroke Health Center
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Many people who have strokes recover fully within weeks or months. Some, on the other hand, can have lifelong disabilities as a result of a stroke.
Many stroke patients have trouble speaking or communicating after a stroke. The Mayo Clinic recommends regular practice, props and other communication aids and joining a support group to deal with the potential frustration of not being able to function easily.
After having a stroke, many patients seek the support of friends and family, who can help them deal with their recovery and manage their health to prevent another stroke.
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Review Date:
May 17, 2012Citation:
National Institutes of Health, “NINDS Stroke Information Page” MedlinePlus, “Stroke” Mayo Clinic, “Stroke” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Stroke” American Stroke Association, “Hemorrhagic Strokes (Bleeds)" American Stroke Association, “TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack)” Last Updated:
February 5, 2015Source: