Contributing Experts
Carla Perissinotto, M.D., M.H.S.

Dr. Carla Perissinotto is an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Division of Geriatrics, Department of Medicine. Carla is dedicated to working in both community and academic settings; she divides her clinical activities between a community health setting at the Over60 Health Center in Berkeley and in working with Housecalls and the new Geriatric Transitions, Consultation, and Comprehensive Care (GeriTraCCC) practice at UCSF.
Carla received her medical school training at Tufts University and completed both her Internal Medicine and Geriatrics training at UCSF. In addition, she holds a Masters in Health Science from Johns Hopkins University, from the Department of Population and Family Health. Carla joined the faculty in August 2010 as a clinician-educator, after being named Geriatrics Fellow of the Year at UCSF. Carla’s interests are in working with diverse communities and improving the training of internal medicine residents and all learners in the care of elderly patients. Carla also has a special interest in teaching primary care doctors how to more effectively recognize cognitive impairment in the outpatient primary care setting. Carla recently received the HRSA Geriatric Academic Career Award 2010-2015, with which she will develop curricula to teach a wide range of learners on the care of elderly patients in diverse settings.