Keep an Eye on Your Contact Lens Solution

Contact lens solutions with hydrogen peroxide can cause injury if instructions aren't followed, FDA says

(RxWiki News) The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning consumers about contact lens solutions with hydrogen peroxide.

That's because they can cause injury if used improperly, according to the FDA.

Not all contact lens solutions contain hydrogen peroxide, an antiseptic agent. But those that do may pose a risk of eyes burning, stinging and becoming damaged to users who do not properly follow the disinfecting process.

When a contact lens solution that contains hydrogen peroxide comes in a bottle with a red tip, it requires special handling instructions, according to the FDA. Those instructions include using a neutralizing solution, which comes with the contact solution. Essentially, this neutralizer turns the disinfecting hydrogen peroxide into harmless water and oxygen once it has done its job.

The FDA noted in its warning that the most important rule to follow is this: Always follow contact lens solution instructions to the letter. Contact lens users should talk to their eye care professional about which type of contact solution is best for them.

Review Date: 
March 24, 2016