HIV/AIDS Health Center

With the right treatments, many people with HIV live long, full lives. However, because the virus actively tries to weaken the immune system, patients should take extra precautions to stay healthy.

The first step to staying healthy is taking all HIV medications exactly as directed to keep the viral load as low as possible.

Those with HIV should also pay special attention to their diets, with an emphasis on whole fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that support the immune system and keep the body strong.

On the other hand, foods that carry a strong potential for foodborne illness — undercooked meats or eggs and unpasteurized dairy products, for example — should be treated with caution. Opt for well-done over rare.

If you have HIV, you are likely going to be more susceptible to common infections and viruses like the flu. Those with HIV should counter this increased risk by being vigilant about immunizations and hygiene.

Your doctor can help you develop a safe plan for living with HIV.

Review Date: 
June 20, 2012
Last Updated:
July 21, 2014