Gout Health Center

Is there any treatment available besides pharmaceutical medication?

  • Medications are widely used in the treatment of gout, primarily because they are so effective. When caught early enough, gout can be incredibly manageable with the right medication treatment plan. However, as research into gout continues, there are new therapies on the horizon that could provide alternatives for those who do not wish to rely on medications. Biologic agents that block a chemical called tumor necrosis factor are currently in development. This chemical is believed to play a role in the inflammation gout causes in the body’s joints.

Who is most at risk for developing gout?

  • Researchers believe 6 million adults age 20 and older have gout at some point in their lives. Gout is much more rare in children and young adults. Men between the ages of 40 and 50 are more likely to develop gout than women, who rarely develop the condition before the onset of menopause. Also, people who have had organ transplants are more at risk for developing gout. To lower your risk, drink plenty of water and avoid high-purine foods.

What are tophi?

  • Tophi are the chalky deposits of uric acid that develop beneath the surface of the skin. These appear like lumps beneath the epidermis (skin) and usually are located around the affected joints and the rim of the ear. These crystal deposits can also collect in the kidneys, leading to kidney stones. If you see tophi around or near your joints, notify your doctor to develop a treatment plan.
Review Date: 
August 2, 2012
Last Updated:
August 6, 2014