Crohn's Disease Health Center

Living with Crohn's disease can be very stressful. One may often be anxious or embarrassed about having a bowel accident. Additionally, stressful events in one's life can lead to digestive problems. Stay in communication with a doctor about how stress and Crohn's disease are related. 

Crohn's disease can lead to other complications, such as:

  • hemorrhage (bleeding)
  • children can have stunted growth
  • fistulas (abnormal connections between the intestines and other parts of the body)
  • abscesses (infections)
  • the intestine can narrow
  • nutritional deficiency
  • lesions in the eye
  • joint swelling

A patient should contact their health care provider if:

  • they have serious stomach (abdominal) pain
  • their diarrhea cannot be controlled with changing their diet or over-the-counter medicine
  • they have lost weight. Or, if they are a child, they cannot gain weight
  • rectal bleeding, drainage, or sores are experienced
  • they have a fever that lasts more than 2 to 3 days
  • their nausea and vomiting lasts more than one day
  • skin sores or lesions do not heal
  • joint pain keeps them from doing their normal daily activities
  • medication for their condition is causing side-effects
Review Date: 
June 27, 2012
Last Updated:
June 2, 2014