Mental HealthInfo Center

Mental Health Rx Posed Physical Health Risks
Older adults taking newer antipsychotic medications may need to be extra wary of bumps and slips.
Antipsychotics Safety for Seniors
Antipsychotic drugs are used to treat psychotic symptoms that show up in many disorders. But are these drugs effective for older adults?
Antipsychotics and Suicidal Behavior
Bipolar disorder is sometimes treated with antipsychotic medications. First and second generation antipsychotics have different side effects, but do they have the same suicide risk?
Costs and Benefits of Depression Drugs
Some people with depression do not respond well to traditional medications.  New trends in treatment may be very helpful, but also very costly.
Mental Illness Drugs and Pregnancy
Approximately two-thirds of all women with a history of mental illness give birth, and it can be tough to figure out which medications should or shouldn't be taken during pregnancy.
Do Antipsychotics Meds Cause Diabetes?
With stability being the top priority for people taking antipsychotics, a number of health and quality of life concerns remain. One is the risk of diabetes.
Bipolar Treatment can get Heavy
Mental health concerns are so deeply personal and so immediately urgent that it can be difficult to give consideration to long-term risks of particular medications when the meds are working well.