Health News
More Safety Points for HPV Vaccine
The vaccine recommended for boys and girls to prevent HPV, an infection that can cause cervical and other cancers, has been shown not to cause diabetes, lupus or similar diseases in young women.
HPV Vaccines now Recommended for Boys
Human papilloma virus (HPV) is no longer just a concern for girls and women. Boys and men are vulnerable to this virus that's known to cause a number of different cancers.
HPV-Related Oral Cancers Rising Dramatically
Oral cancers used to be associated with alcohol and tobacco use - particularly chewing tobacco and snuff. Not anymore. Studies show another practice is putting young men at particular risk for this form of cancer.
Birth Control Device Diminishes Cervical Cancer
The country has come a long way in its attitudes concerning sexually-transmitted diseases. Recall the outrage at the recommendation of condom use to avoid transmission of HIV. Now, most embrace the idea of proactive measures to curb the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases.
Two Doses of HPV Vaccine Okay
There's been a lot of confusion around human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination lately. The latest news actually simplifies the recommendations.
Is She Protected From Cancer? Are You?
Girls as young as 9 years old are vulnerable to the virus that causes cervical cancer. That's why getting vaccinated is so important for young girls.
Vaccinating Vacancies
Each year, the United States has six million become infected with human papilloma virus (HPV). HPV is known to cause cervical cancer in women and associated with head and neck cancers in men.
On Guard! For HPV with Gardasil
It only makes sense that, to eradicate a sexually-transmitted disease, both sexes need to be vaccinated prior to engaging in sexual activity, which would mean before puberty or early teens.