Health News

Fatty Fish to Lower RA Risk
Even though the cause of rheumatoid arthritis remains unknown, researchers continue to find ways that could help people reduce their risk of this painful disease. A recent study found that a simple diet change might protect against the development of rheumatoid arthritis in women.
The Drag Towards Rheumatoid Arthritis
Some women find it cool just to hold a cigarette. But smoking them could be tied to pain in those hands and in other joints later on.
Ladies with Lupus Skipping Paps
For women under 30, yearly screening is one of the best ways to detect cervical cancer. Unfortunately, many women with lupus - a condition linked to cervical problems - may be skipping out on screening.
Problem of Lupus During Pregnancy
When a woman becomes pregnant, she must be careful about what she puts in her body. If a pregnant woman is taking medications for a disease, she should know how those medications may affect her pregnancy.
Moderate Drinking May Cut RA Risk
Alcohol has been the cause of many problems. Be that as it may, drinking red wine in moderation has been shown to protect heart health. Moderate drinking may also do some good for women trying to avoid arthritis.
Anticoagulant Treatment Not While Pregnant
What puts women at risk of pregnancy problems? Lots of factors, including illness, obesity and stress. A recent finding says that a type of antibody is also a risk factor.
Why Does Menopause Bring on RA?
Menopause can be a time of massive change for many women. It is important to keep in mind that it's a natural change. But when menopause comes early, it could be a sign of arthritis to come.
HPV and Arthritis in Mexican Woman
Lately, the question around human papillomavirus (HPV) is whether adolescent girls should be required to get vaccinated. While some girls and parents may opt out of vaccination, others might think twice if they knew their risk was high.
RA and Lupus Reduce Fertility
Living with an autoimmune disease poses many problems for women. For women who are diagnosed during their reproductive years, it may affect your childbearing choices and your ability to have a baby.
More Safety Points for HPV Vaccine
The vaccine recommended for boys and girls to prevent HPV, an infection that can cause cervical and other cancers, has been shown not to cause diabetes, lupus or similar diseases in young women.