Health News

New Diabetes Rx Gets FDA Nod
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given the green light to a first-in-class diabetes injection.
The Benefits of Insulin Pumps
Parents of kids with type 1 diabetes may now have an easier time with the debate surrounding the insulin pump.
How Stressful Events Could Affect Kids' Health
Dealing with big stressors early in life could affect more than just mental health in kids.
Diabetes Has Increased in US Youth
Type 1 diabetes usually occurs in childhood. But more children are now getting type 2 diabetes, and the rates of both seem to be rising.
Urine May Reveal Heart Risk in Young Diabetes Patients
For adults with diabetes, a urine test can spot those at risk for heart and kidney disease. The same test may also work for young people with type 1 diabetes.
Of Diabetes and Depression
Living with a chronic disease like diabetes can be challenging. That challenge can take its toll on a person, especially if that person is a child.
Vaccine Takes a Shot at Type 1 Diabetes
While less common than type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes strikes millions of Americans, typically at an early age. A new vaccine shows promise for preventing the disease in the future.
Goals Not Met by Diabetic Kids
The goal of treating children with type 1 diabetes is to bring blood sugar levels under control. But even with a specialist's care, it may be hard to reach target blood sugar levels.
A US City Sees More Childhood Diabetes
Adults aren't the only ones affected by diabetes. Many children are living with the condition as well. A recent study on kids in Philadelphia showed that diabetes rates have risen even among very young children.
Risky Business: Diabetic and Pregnant
Before getting pregnant, women should make sure that they are in good health. An unhealthy mother is more likely to have an unhealthy baby. This may be especially true for women with diabetes.