Health News
Are we closer to an AIDS vaccine?
For the past 30 years, scientists have had no success developing a vaccine for AIDS. Their track record may change with the discovery of a powerful new anti-HIV antibody.
HIV and Dementia Connection Explained
Patients living longer with HIV/AIDS are at risk to develop a condition called HIV-associated dementia (HAD). Scientists have discovered that some people diagnosed HAD actually have two genetically different HIV types in their bodies, hiding in a place where HIV has never been seen before.
100,000 spared from AIDS in India
A new study estimates that 100,000 people in India have avoided HIV over the past five years, as a result of an prevention project targeting high-risk groups.
Brain Function Changes Identified in Early HIV
For HIV patients in the early stages of the disease, about half will develop changes in brain function including attention and memory deficits, and problems with verbal fluency.
Injectable Birth Control Increases Risk for HIV
If you or your partner uses injectable birth control, you may be at higher risk of catching HIV, says a new University of Washington study.
Powerful HIV Vaccine Shows Success in Trials
A powerful prototype vaccine for HIV has shown early success in trials in humans over the past year. The vaccine has the potential to turn the once-deadly virus into a minor chronic infection.
Cryptic Infection Missed in AIDS Patients
For patients with AIDS, a fungal infection can be a major problem. However, researchers may have found a way to make treatement more likely to succeed by identifying a new cause.
Cholesterol Conundrum with HIV Kids
New treatments can enable children born with HIV to live well into their adult years, but the antiretroviral therapy (ART) can cause high cholesterol. Researchers are urging early cholesterol monitoring for these kids.
Complera Approval Completed
Gilead Sciences announces Complera, a new daily pill for HIV-1 infected adults with no prior antiretroviral therapies, has been approved by the FDA.
Reyataz Equal Opportunity Protector
Most women living with HIV are in their childbearing years. This makes the effectiveness of their HIV treatment and benefits to their unborn children particularly important.