Health News
Could Your Asthma Affect Your Baby?
Many women deal with asthma when they are pregnant. But it may not be just the mother who is affected by the disease. A pregnant mother's asthma also may pose some risks to newborn children.
Kids, Asthma and Secondhand Smoke
When a person smokes, those immediately around that person are forced to "smoke" also. If people around the smoker have asthma, the smoke can make their condition worse.
Breathing Easier While Growing Up
Asthma is a fairly common respiratory condition for children. But just because someone has asthma as a kid does not necessarily mean they're stuck with the condition for life.
When Are X-Rays Too Much Care?
One of the first things doctors need to do to treat a child in the emergency room is determine what the problem is. Chest X-rays are one way to spot the problem for kids with lung conditions.
Kids Can Get Used to Allergies
Exposure to an allergen in small doses enables some adults to adapt and breathe well again. With the help of two different techniques, the same may work for kids.
Wheeze Relief
Pre-term babies are at risk of developing a variety of complications and health issues as they grow. One common issue for these children is wheezing.
A Spicy Dare Not Worth Taking
Truth or dare is an age-old game that will never wear out in childhood and adolescence. Often, the game involves harmless fun. But some dares should never be taken.
Does Baby Formula Need Prebiotics?
Prevention of allergies in children is a murky science. Some parents may add prebiotic supplements to baby formula in the hopes that the prebiotics could reduce allergy risk.
Different Country, Different Allergies
Children born outside of the United States have lower allergy rates than US-born children. But now researchers have found that foreign-born children's allergy risk changes the longer they live in the US.
Mentally Managing a Child's Illness
A child with a chronic illness can present a variety of hardships in a family. However, seeking therapy can reduce the mental health challenges these families face.