Health News
Parents May Pass Down Bad Habits
The risks of smoking can extend beyond your own health and that of individuals breathing the secondhand smoke. They may extend to your children's choices as well.
Skip the Smokes But Pass My Meds
The most common medications used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are stimulants. Tobacco is also a stimulant, so would taking medication reduce smoking among those with ADHD?
Many Parents Not Following Safe Sleep Practices for Babies
One of the most frightening concerns of parents with new babies is sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS. But safe sleeping practices can reduce the risk of SIDS.
Pregnant Mom Lights Up, Baby's Heart at Risk
It's not news that smoking during pregnancy is a bad idea. But researchers are still learning the various ways it can affect a developing baby.
Substance Abuse at School May Mean Other Problems
Although it's no secret that teens may experiment with alcohol or marijuana, more than 5 percent of them smoke pot or drink alcohol on school campuses.
Tummy Troubles in Kids with Autism
It's often thought that children with autism also tend to have more stomach trouble than other children. But is that really the case?
Is Your Teen Getting Enough Sleep?
Not getting enough sleep can have serious effects on physical and mental health. This is particularly true for teens, whose bodies and minds are still developing.
Brain Injury in Teens Increased Emotional Issues
Every year, more than half a million teenagers experience a serious concussion. These brain injuries often leave lasting damage, but to what extent?
More TV, Less Sleep for Kids
Sleep is very important to health, especially for children who are still physically developing. Anything that might interfere with sleep, such as TV, might lead to poor long-term habits.
Parents' Weight Linked to Autism
The search for possible causes of autism has gone in a lot of different directions. But finding a link does not mean finding a cause.