Health News
How Stressful Events Could Affect Kids' Health
Dealing with big stressors early in life could affect more than just mental health in kids.
More Tummy Troubles for Kids with Autism
Caring for a child with autism comes with struggles, and many parents may find that stomach problems in kids may be part of those struggles.
Age Restrictions Didn't Stop Teens from Buying E-Cigs
Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigs, may be increasing in popularity among teens. And teens may not have much trouble buying e-cigs online, despite being underage.
No Raised ADHD Risk from Labor Rx
In the quest to find the cause of ADHD, anything a child is exposed to can be on the list of suspects. New evidence may mark one potential cause off that list.
What May Be Keeping Your Teen up at Night
For many teens, it's second nature to reach for the smartphone or tablet when they have a spare minute or two. Those spare minutes can add up, though, and may affect teens' sleep quality.
Does Your Kid Play Football? Maybe He Should Wait 'Til He's Older
Letting young kids get out and play is great for their health, but parents may want to wait until their kids are a bit older before letting them play football — or at least only let them play touch football.
Those Temper Tantrums May Mean More Than You Think
Temper tantrums and telling fibs are often a normal part of being a young kid. Some behaviors, however, could be a tip-off that there’s more going on.
CDC Reports Americans Living Longer Than Ever
Americans may be living longer than ever before. In a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report, measures of life span were up and rates of death were down.
20 Years of Marijuana Research Summarized in New Report
States across the US continue to debate the merits of allowing medicinal and, in some cases, recreational marijuana use. Yet there’s still uncertainty about the long-term health impacts of cannabis.
Parents' Actions May Influence Age Children Try Alcohol
Past research has found that around two-thirds of US teens will drink alcohol by age 18. New research looks at reasons why kids start drinking in the first place.